Practical For Improving Memory

How Can I Do To Improve My Ability To Remember?
by OHIO university

Tips For Improving Memory

1. Keep up with assignments.

  • You won't have to learn too much at one time.
    • Make an assignment schedule for each week.
    • Make daily to-do lists.
    • Reward yourself for completing work.

2. Review lecture notes each day.

  • Make up study questions from the key points and quiz yourself.
  • Play Jeopardy.

3. Take breaks while studying.

  • You won't be so tired, and you can focus better.
    • Stand up after 20 minutes.
    • Switch to a different subject.
    • Write, draw and talk out loud.

4. Study actively.

  • Pay attention to the major headings when you read.
  • How many headings are there? How are they related?
  • Read the chapter summary.

5. Look for the main ideas.

  • The details will cluster around these ideas and be easier to remember.

6. Test yourself as you study.

  • Stop and try to tell yourself what you've learned -- in your own words.

7. Keep reviewing after you feel you know the information.

  • The information will be more firmly embedded in your memory.

8. Get enough sleep.

  • Lack of sleep has negative effects on your ability to remember.

9. Organize information in categories and label (name) the categories.

  • Your memory is a filing system -- you need organization and lab

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