• Preparation for your first test should begin after the first day of class; this includes studying, completing homework assignments and reviewing study materials on a regular basis.
  • Budget your time, make sure you have sufficient time to study so that you are well prepared for the test.
  • Go to review sessions, pay attention to hints that the instructor may give about the test. Take notes and ask questions about items you may be confused about.
  • Ask the instructor to specify the areas that will be emphasized on the test.
  • Make sure you go to the class right before the test; it's another prime time for the instructor to give out more hints or the format of the test.
  • Go over any material from practice tests, HW's, sample problems, review material, the textbook, class notes...
  • Eat before a test. Having food in your stomach will give you energy and help you focus but avoid heavy foods which can make you groggy.
  • Don't try to pull an all nighters. Get at least 3 hours of sleep before the test.
  • Put the main ideas/information/formulas onto a sheet that can be quickly reviewed many times, this makes it easier to retain the key concepts that will be on the test.
  • Try to show up at least 5 minutes before the test will start.
  • Set your alarm and have a backup alarm set as well.
  • Go to the bathroom before walking into the exam room. You don't want to waste anytime worrying about your bodily needs during the test.


by Dartmouth college

"Prescription for Success"

Knowing how to approach the material is the first step in succeeding in a science course at Dartmouth. The amount of material covered, and the speed at which it is covered, may seem overwhelming; but if you follow these guidelines, your stress level will decline as your success increases. There are three elements to succeeding in a science course: Lecture, Time Management, and Test Preparation.

I. Lecture

A. Attend every lecture.

1. Everything you need to know will be covered in the lectures.

2. Go to lectures alert and awake.

3. Write down everything you can. Anything is fair game on the exam.

4. If you miss a lecture, get notes from at least 2 people.

B. Prepare for lectures.

1. Read over the lecture outline before class. This will help you focus.

2. Skim the reading that corresponds to the lecture outline.

C. Find a "Note Buddy".

1. Photocopy and swap your notes with someone after class every day.

2. Meet once a week and teach each other the notes.

II. Time Management

A. Start early

1. Use the first 2 weeks of the term. Don't start snowballing.

2. Start studying for your next exam 2 days after your first one.

B. Set deadlines

1. Make a term calendar.

2. Set new deadlines. Have all your studying done 2 days prior to the exam. This gives you 2 days to review.

C. Find your "Bio Hour".

1. Spend an hour a day reviewing your notes; make it part of your daily routine.

a. Three 20 minute sessions throughout the day

b. 40 minutes reviewing notes, 20 minutes preparing for lectures.

III. Test Preparation

A. Condense the material.

1. Make flash cards over your notes.

2. Write out answers to your cards.

B. Reading should be supplementary.

1. Use the reading to supplement all concepts covered in class.

2. Know all the figures that relate to the lecture.

C. Apply the material.

1. As you study, think of applications of the material.

2. Use old exams as guides to applying the material.

Tip to save Money for College Books

Save Money on Buying and Selling Books
by academictips

college textbooks are expensive. You may spend a lot of each semester (that's an additional 3 to 7 percent of your annual school costs), and the bookstore wants its money now! What to do?

Some students get to campus before the semester begins to be first in line at the bookstore and grab used books at 70 to 80 percent of the original cost. But if getting to the school bookstore early isn't an option for you (or if the person in front of you takes the last used book), it doesn't mean that there isn't a used copy somewhere. It just means that it isn't in your bookstore. Write down the price of the book and look at any online booksellers, including eBay, to see if you can find it cheaper. Remember to consider the actual cost of the book, the shipping and handling costs and the length of time it will take to have it in your hands. One of the drawbacks with online buying is that you need either a credit card or a debit card. Also, you are taking a chance that the book not will arrive in time for your class.

In general, one of the cheapest ways to get books is from your classmates through campuswide e-mail, word of mouth or flyers on campus. Expect to pay 50 to 70 percent of the original cost this way. If you don't need a book right away, keep checking, because there are always students who drop a course and have books to unload.

Some large universities have several bookstores, usually with competitive prices, and there are often off-campus bookstores within walking distance that cater to students and sell used textbooks.

Still no luck? Don't give up yet! Contact the professor. Sometimes the book is not required but rather recommended or optional. Maybe the professor has assigned only a couple of chapters from the book. In any case, you may be able to check it out of the library or skim a classmate's copy. Sometimes professors put reserve copies in the library. It's not the same as having the book within reach at all times, but it will save you a lot of money. If you are really in a financial bind, talk to the professor, who may be happy to offer you a loaner book to read over the weekend.

Remember that you can get back some of the cost later by selling the books. With this in mind, take good care of them. If you plan to sell your books back to the bookstore at the end of the semester, keep receipts (even though most bookstores go by barcodes); don't write in the books; keep them away from food, animals and bad weather; and rush them back to the bookstore by the sell-back deadline. You can expect to get back 10 to 20 percent of the book's original cost. If the book isn't being used the next semester, however, you're out of luck.

As you can see, the rate you get from the bookstore isn't great. So again, some of the best sellback methods are campuswide e-mail and selling them to friends. Students begin buying books as soon as they get their lists for the next semester. You can expect to sell for at least 50 percent of the original price.

In addition, almost all the online booksellers buy books, and you can get a quote quickly. You will have to ship the books, but at least get an estimate, including shipping costs.

The costs associated with buying books are a fact of college life. But there are plenty of alternatives to annually spending $1000 to $1600 in one-stop shopping at the campus bookstore each year, but you will have to do a little research.

Buying books:

1. Check the campus intranet and bulletin boards. If you don't see what you need, advertise.
2. Buy used textbooks at the college bookstore.
3. Know the bookstore price of your books and look at online booksellers. Amazon and Barnes & Noble both sell used books, but through a third party. Determine the shipping and handling costs and expected date of arrival before you place your order.
4. Look at bookstores that are off campus.
5. Contact the professor to see if all the books on your book list are really required.
6. Ask classmates to share or borrow books.
7. See if the professor has put any books on reserve in the library. If not, request that it be done.
8. Ask the professor to borrow the loaner copy.

Selling books

1. Advertise on the campus intranet.
2. Get quotes from the online bookstores, but add in your cost of packaging and shipping before making a decision.
3. Sell books back to the college bookstore.
4. Sell books to bookstores that are off campus.
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